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söndag 29 januari 2012

The Night

Again, I've been bad at updating. I have plenty of stuff though, but it's tiring to keep posting everything three times or more. For quicker updates, if you don't mind a flood of random other things, you might want to consider visiting my tumblr.

One thing I might have neglected to mention before is that my external harddrive, where I kept a lot of my art and photos (including the ones from this summer's exhibition) is failing. I don't dare to use it anymore until I can afford getting it looked at and possibly repaired or transferring the stuff on it to a new one.

But here's some of the stuff I've been working on:

  • I'm re-working the script of chapter one for OOPS, now re-named "It's Complicated", which you might remember from this post . Now, it's rather important that I get on with the comic making instead of perfecting the same chapter over and over again, but I've realised from looking at the first chapter after months of being too stressed to draw that I have a lot to learn. And I want to make a good first impression at the very least, because that part is critical when people decide if they want to stick with it or not. And, I've also decided that I am going to put this comic online. After all, what's the point of comicking if people can't read what you make? I was never a fan of hoarding stuff in the first place, even if I seem to do it exceedingly often these days. It might take some time before it gets online, but it will happen. I've learned my lessons from online comicking in the past, and having a buffer is vital, or you will face deadline after deadline, each pressuring you more than before. The horrible thing about that is that it saps away both the quality and the joy of comicking. Instead of feeling satisfaction for having made something good, you feel relieved that you've gotten it over with. And believe me, that's not a good thing if you have to keep drawing weekly updates. So again, a buffer is vital.
  • As a nice break from drawing constant quality, I'm drawing another comic project on the side. It's called An Apple A Day, and will probably contain some of the lamest humour you've ever seen, penis jokes and more generally bad stuff... in the form of comic strips. I feel like I should probably be shy about it, because it's not exactly the type of thing you'd show your parents. But I can't be bothered! 8D ...The art style is completely different from what I've been doing before, and it's a huge relief. I do it all completely freestyle, no sketch lineart, no pressure. It feels great! There'll be a sneak-a-peak next time I post, for sure. But it's the same thing there. I'm building a buffer. And my ambition is to be able to produce these things daily, but until I'm sure I can do that, I don't want to get in over my head. This is a very new way of comicking for me, and it requires a lot of brainstorming.
  • I've taken up writing again. (When did I ever write? might wonder. A long time ago, but it was mostly bad fanfiction.) I've found that after moving to London, I feel a lot more confident with written English. And writing just stories instead of slightly robotic scripts is a very nice exercise in thinking about the feel of a story, as well as a good release for when my head is too crammed with ideas to draw. If things go well, I just might post these stories somewhere as well, but I'm not making any promises as they're not my highest priority. There will likely be plenty of concept art though, if I can manage not to hoard stuff.
And that's all for today. I'm going to work ar finding someone to kick my ass for when I'm incapable of doing it myself, because some asskickings are in order for me to actually do stuff.
(The right kind, mind you. The art of motivating someone else is a hard one. I feel I might save this topic for later.)

Okay, that's really all for today. Cheers!