måndag 31 januari 2011

Wardrobe Meme

Stole the idea from someone on deviantART and used it as a warm-up exercise the other day when my fingers were pretty frozen after a long walk. Took around three minutes per sketch, maybe...?

lördag 29 januari 2011

Bring it on, Life

Just a quick concept sketch from yesterday. One day I might use it for a comic.
But in all seriousness, liking yourself is important. I forgot that for a while.

fredag 28 januari 2011

Yes, Quite

A Christmas gift for my darling Louise that I forgot to post before.
The colouring and inking was a bit rushed, but luckily she seemed to apreciate it anyway. <3

torsdag 27 januari 2011

Bit of a sketch dump

I'm just posting sketches today. I've been in a complete slump due to some drama in my life.

BUT BEFORE THAT, BY THE GODS, I WANT THIS GAME.Ahem. Now to the sketches. I haven't bothered cleaning them up at all. I kind of like the look they have now.
I'm now trying to kickstart myself again by practising expressions. Especially since I'm now in the process of revamping my entire style. (I know. Again?!) I've changed as a person, and I want my drawings to reflect that a bit more.
Oh. And there's a bit of cursing in there. Consider yourself warned.

These are some characters from the comic I'm currently writing a script for. I guess I can't show you any actual pages, but I doubt anyone would steal these.

Again, from the same comic, though it's hard to tell with this one. Really quick sketches!

And lastly, my character from an RPG I haven't even started yet, but have been planning for ages - for fun and practise purposes. Anyone in? It's called Pub Brawl.
The name pretty much describes it all. There's no plot. Just fighting in a pub setting. It should be excellent for practising anatomy, fighting scenes and backgrounds.

torsdag 20 januari 2011

Cold, cold photoshoot!

So, I enlisted my friend Ronja's help in photographing this dress.
It was designed by me, and sewn by my very dear friend Louise.
I just picked a few shots that I've edited slightly.

I wore it at the Grand Cosplay Ball last time I was in the UK. =) I think we'll need to do another shoot of it too though, to get a good photo of the front of the dress.
...It was a bit too cold to do this for very long. XD;;

I might be back with sketches later today. We'll see.

söndag 16 januari 2011

Photos from a misty winterday

I haven't had the chance to draw anything at all the last few days. However, we had this fantastic weather for photography on thursday, so I just abandoned everything about job-hunting or anything else I had to do that day. ... Originally, I was just going to pick one photo, but it was so hard! So here's just a few of the ones I took:

This one was actually taken facing land. When I went all the way out, I couldn't see it at all. It was amazing!

These are my favourites at the moment, but who knows. I might upload more.
I walked a lot that day. It was definitely worth it!

måndag 10 januari 2011

Picture Diary #1 and giftarts

Sorry 'bout the language, just in case. (I don't think it's that bad, but I'm me after all.)

An attempt to get myself to practise drawing more even while script writing.
So when I'm not doing that and I'm trying to distract myself from wanting to repeatedly bash my head against the wall, this is what I do:
Play video games! And this is a pretty accurate description of the feeling I had today after first beating the old DK arcade game twice and then beating the entire DK 64 today.
(That took hours.)

... And lastly, here are two giftarts I've been too lazy to post here before. ^^;

I can't draw muscle-y men. Yet.

fredag 7 januari 2011


Self portrait from a while ago. I always feel embarrassed about these for some reason, even though I like them.

So, it was my birthday today. ...I don't think I like them anymore.
I have nothing to complain about though. I spent the day with my parents and a friend and played video games.