onsdag 31 augusti 2011

Short Film

Hi! It's been a while. Things are a bit messed up right now, but as I promised (ages ago), here's the short film I was commissioned to draw by the talented Zabina!

But before you watch, I've got to warn you that this film contains some rather disturbing things, nudity, blood and violence.

Until We Are All Blind from Zabina B on Vimeo.

A bit of other news: I'm back to actually having time to draw my own things again.
I know I said before the exhibition that I'd post the painting I made, but life has been far to hectic to do much.
I still will, at one point.
Things are a bit complicated right now. I don't have a decent scanner, and my external harddrive seems to be failing, so I don't dare to do much until I've had it looked at.
Also, I'm moving soon, so my time is filled up with preparations for that.

And lastly, to raise a bit more money for rent and new art supplies, I'm going to try to have a sale of my drawings and paintings soon.

Sorry about my long absence.

1 kommentar:

  1. Oj, ja den var ganska läskig men livet är ju inte alltid fåglar som kvittrar och sol och sånt :-S Bilderna var jättesnygga som vanligt också, så du får en like av mig ;-)
