tisdag 28 december 2010

An art dump (last post of 2010)

Old art. Some crap and some stuff I personally am really proud of. I don't know if I'll ever finish these though. I wanted to post these before 2011, but it's not very likely I'll get an other chance to do so.

I don't have many expectations for 2011, but I'll start over with a clean slate, learn how to say no and stop worrying about every single little thing.

I'll remember 2010 as the year when I:

*First sold my paintings

*Spent a lot of time thinking I was sick

*Got into my first actual relationship

*Flew on my own for the first time and got stuck in Munich for the night because of the snow chaos

*Visited awesome people in the UK

*Rediscovered my N64 and my love for it

*First cosplayed

*Baked more than ten kinds of pie in one go with a friend - one with more than half a kilo chocolate in it

*Learned how to walk in heels properly

*Stopped caring about gifts

*Got over a crush of many years

*Wrote my first proper comic script

*Started hating being alone

*Started hating snow

*Got obsessed with Vinland Saga

*Mourned Ace's death in One Piece

*Went on my second hiking trip with friends and got lost in a marsh again. Wonderful, adventurous times!

*Got into my first real bitch fight since 2nd grade

*Rediscovered friendships and made new, surprising friendships

*Got internet shy

*Grew a spine

*Stopped caring so much about my pride

It's been an eventful year. It's had its ups and downs, but I don't regret anything
(aside from not updating my webcomic more.) All in all, I'd say it's been an amazing time.

How has your year been?

lördag 11 december 2010

Dangerous cake and a sketch

Chocolate microwave mug cake. Awesome. And very dangerous! =D Because it's good. And it's easy. (I admit, it doesn't really look that tempting here though.)
Just google it. However, I advice you to use butter instead of oil if you attempt it. It tastes soo much better! Unhealthy? If you're concerned about that, you probably shouldn't be eating chocolate cake to begin with. (You can get away with using less of it than the recipe says though.)
...But enough rambling about that. I have a new sketch!

Anyone who has been on dA can probably see where I got my inspiration. Or part of it anyway. Kidchan is an idol of mine. =) The rest of it was just... uh... my pencil barfing emotion. XD;;;

torsdag 9 december 2010

Hatsune Miku - Tea Time

There we go. First CG in a while.

I've always loved the vocaloid designs, especially Miku's.
... The reason for this though? I wanted some artwork for my costume at the Grand Cosplay Ball. XD;;
(Again, thank you for letting me borrow a wig, Pandarosi! ... And for helping me with my make-up. And for letting me free-load at your place... and... and...just being so nice! ;___; )
And also, obviously, a gigantic thanks to Louise for sewing that dress for me! (I swear you'll get pictures of it! XD;; )

torsdag 2 december 2010

Doodle Dump

Back from the UK now. I didn't want to go home! Still don't want to be home.
I had an amazing week there, and a not so amazing trip home, on which I had to spend the night in a german air port. Not exactly what I'd expected. XD
But here we go: Doodles! From when I was there.

...Some of these will only make sense for law students.

Didn't take many photos this time, since I did all the tourist-y stuff I wanted on my previous trips. We'll see what I'll upload though.

torsdag 18 november 2010


Haha, I have the feeling this is exactly what I should not be doing at the moment, considering I've been feeling woozy, tired and need new glasses. But who cares?! 8D Speedpaint, around 25 minutes, maybe.

Other than this, I'm on a short break from all things related comics and drawing.

lördag 6 november 2010

CYHMV comic

Let's test the limits of my boredom and stupidity, shall we? =D
Actually I shouldn't have time to be bored. But nevermind that.

... Is that a comic... in full colour?
Yes. Yes, it is.
Let's see how far I get with this.
The comic is called "Can you hear my voice?"

And also, ink bottles are probably my mortal enemies. I spilled half the contents of one over my book with layout thumbs. Luckily, nothing except one thumb got too damaged, and as a result I have actually started drawing the comic now, so I suppose it brought something good with it.

onsdag 27 oktober 2010

Fashion Sketches 2

'nother batch of speedy fashion sketches. None of these are happening for a long time yet, but agian, I love them all. One of the dresses from the post before this might be made a reality though. =)

The script-writing is going slow, but well.
The text version of the second chapter is done. 28 more to go!

... Last week was probably one of the strangest weeks in my life so far. I just felt a need to say it.

fredag 22 oktober 2010

Fashion Sketches

You know, I completely forgot about that "upload a new photo every day"-thing. But I have new stuff now! ... A little.

A couple of really quick fashion sketches, just for fun. I'd love wearing all of these.
(Don't think I'll get to though C'= )
I am now finished with the script of the first chapter of the comic I was talking about.
... I feel like I had to mention it, because I'm pretty damn proud of it.

And also, Castlevania for the N64 seems promising so far. C= Let's hope I don't get too distracted by it!

onsdag 20 oktober 2010

A Man and his Dog

Taken when I was in London back in 2007. No matter how crappy the quality is, I love this photo. So freaking much. But to be honest, I can't really explain why. ^^;

tisdag 19 oktober 2010


Something that I am sadly without. XD

söndag 17 oktober 2010



It's my brother in the photo. It was taken on a small island at Blekinge's coast where my family used to have a summer cottage. (It was grandma's, really, until she got too old to take care of it.) It's a pity we had to sell it, because I've been there every summer since I was born, aside from this year and the last one. I remember getting there was always so magical, and we were always free to run around and explore as much as we liked. It was easy to fantazise there, and to dream up stories and play. Every day was a small adventure.
I really miss it, and it hurts a bit to know that I won't be going back there.
I'm just hoping it's in good hands now and that future generations of kids will run around there just as happily as my brothers and I did. =)

Other news... The script-writing is going pretty well now that I've gotten into it more. I'm currently revising the text versions of chapter 2 and 3, and have started to draw the script for chapter one. It takes more time than I expected, and currently I'm aiming for six pages each day. =) That way, I have time to think it through and still not neglect the job-hunt and everything else... like living.

And lastly.
I shouldn't be spending any more money now.
But...! BUT! N64 Castlevania and Mario Kart! D'=
If only my Mario Kart hadn't been lost. *sob*
...It had to be said. Why am I such a geek?!

lördag 16 oktober 2010


Still wishing it was spring.

I'm going to England in November, by the way!
There are tons of better things I could spend my money on than that. Get a scanner, printer, an Xbox (okay, maybe not that much better), kitchen equipment, rent, winter boots or other stuff like that. I don't care. I'm going there, and that's final.
I've booked my flight tickets now. I'll be in London 22/11 - 24/11, or something like that. And then in Oxford 24/11 - 28/11, then back to London for a bit before I go back to Sweden 29/11.
So if anyone wants to meet up... Gimme a comment, mail me or note me on dA?

Now back to the script writing. It's going shit. Wish me luck! ='D

fredag 15 oktober 2010

The Distance of Love

I know, I know. The Distance of Love? Seems a bit cliché. But it fits.

torsdag 14 oktober 2010

Sweet Memory

It's not even winter yet, but I still kind of wish it was spring already.

I may not have done a great deal of comicking today, but I've accomplished a smaller miracle instead. My room looks presentable, as in really nice, for the first time in years.

Now, back to the script writing.
Procrastinators, Unite! ... Tomorrow.

onsdag 13 oktober 2010

Lone Sailor

So, I am now in the middle of script-writing, and it's taking some time because I want my comic to be the best I can do, and I don't want it to end up like my webcomic. Unfortunately, this means I don't do a lot of CGing or "real" drawing at the moment, just rough sketches. I miss that. )=

I don't want this blog to die though (because I kind of like it, despite so few people knowing of its existence), so I'm going to try to upload a photo each day until I have new shiny stuff to show off again. =)

fredag 1 oktober 2010

New Stuff! =D

Good thing I went to visit my friend in another town for a bit, otherwise I'd have been too distracted to ever finish these. XD But they were fun, fun, fun!

I had so unbelievably much fun composing this. And then colouring it. No references were used.

And this? Also so much fun! Still no references used.

In other words, I enjoy drawing again. I really missed the feeling. =)

måndag 20 september 2010

Classy stuff

Oh hey, look! The blog looks a bit prettier! And I have also done my duty as a swedish citizen and voted. Go green! (I know that probably ain't happening though.)

And so... what do we have today? Well, it just so happened that my friend turned 21 yesterday, and as the semi-starving artist I am, I made her this:

It's a sort of-portrait. With her classy clothes and fancy flowers and stuff. I was a bit short of time, and ended up with this, but I think it turned out pretty well. And it was fun to draw! I used a real brush for inking the flowers for the first time in... ever? Fun! C=

And lastly: I want to share that I am planning a really awesome comic now. That's all for now though. I might post character sketches later on.

torsdag 16 september 2010

A bit lost

Oh boy, I'm not even going to bother explaining this one. But I guess it's safe to say I'm still a bit emo. It's good for my inspiration though! =D

And... this? An attempt at slightly stylized realism. It's a selfportrait, which took about twenty minutes to make with my webcamera as a mirror. =D Haven't touched realism in ages, but I was thinking it'll probably be good for me to start practising it again. Wish me luck!

torsdag 9 september 2010

The Amazing Chopper Man~

As always, I'm procrastinating a lot of stuff. I'd go online on dA more, but ever since I got over my msn-phobia, it just hasn't been the same.
Also, my personal life is a bit of a mess at the moment (understatement... but when isn't it?), and I'm just too tired to go online most of the time.

So anyway, we have a japanese visitor here right now, and she's really nice. And not only because she gave us a lot of stuff! (though it's a bonus. kidding.)

I gots presents! ='D So sweet~! See that towel? Pure awesome~ And yes, I'm bragging a bit.
And as if I wasn't giddy enough already, she brought a ton of japanese snacks and origami paper and fans too.

So, although it was very quick, I wanted to give her something in return. I haven't touched the copics in few months, so this was fun!

onsdag 1 september 2010


Sorry, this is only in swedish. 8D

Nu har jag i alla fall fått ändan ur vagnen och laddat upp bilderna, även om det tog ett år att ladda upp de från Hallandsåsen. I vilket fall som helst, vi börjar bakifrån!

Hallandsleden, 2010:

Jag vet inte varför jag tog den här bilden, men den blev fin på ett udda sätt.

Gå inte mot ljuset! D=

Jag tycker fortfarande att detta ser en smula farligt ut. Modiga Sanna!

Mina lysande vita ben i solskenet när vi tog en paus i Hjörnered~

Jag tror jag älskar den här bilden på nåt sätt.

Reklamdags! Om jag nu bara hade placerat flaskan så att varumärket syntes bättre. =P

Vad vore en vandring utan ärtsoppa?

Sötöverdos. Ja, kor är söta, och kalvar ännu sötare!

Mera sött! Ser ni den där minimala ponnyn?

Morgonstund har guld i mun(d).

Poänglös bild, men rätt häftig. 8D

Har jag nämnt hur vackert vädret var den första dagen? Det pissregnade och åskade. Men Sanna och Johan var glada ändå! =D

Precis vid starten! På precis samma ställe som jag och Sanna slutade året innan.

Och nu vidare till vandringen 2009! (Fortfarande i omvänd ordning då jag är för lat för att ändra på det):

Chili con Carne har aldrig smakat så bra innan. När vi satt och åt körde det dock förbi en helvetes massa motorcyklar.

Fantastiskt charmigt liten nedgången gård. <3>

Utsikt! Och äntligen på väg ner istället för upp! =D

Två glada vandrare.

Sanna var inte så morgonpigg.

Vi försökte tända grillen på det traditionella viset, men till slut tappade vi tålamodet och använde T-sprit. 8D (Försök för helvete aldrig göra det här själva, det är en dålig idé. Och det skulle ni förstå om ni såg den meterhöga eldpelaren som uppstod. Tyvärr saknas bildbevis. Men RÖR INTE T-SPRITEN!)

Ärtsoppa banzai!

En stor bit av vandringen gick genom ett träsk. Vi gick givetvis vilse i ett sådant också! (Dock inte just detta träsk.)

När den här bilden togs var jag glad och ovetande om hur mycket blod svett och tårar som skulle krävas. 8D (Skojar.) Men jag undrade redan en smula vad jag gett mig in på. Men eftersom vi redan sett bilderna för efterföljande år vet vi förstås att det hela gav mersmak.

Sanna i bilen på väg till Hallandsåsen:


1: Att vandra ger en kick. Det är inte precis roligt med muskelvärk och 15-kilos-ryggsäckar, men känslan när man väl nått vindskyddet är obetalbar.

2: Det är tradition att äta ärtsoppa, chili con carne och grilla korv och marshmallows.

3: Det är tradition att gå vilse åtminstone en gång per vandring. Helst i ett träsk.

4: Om Sanna inte är i Costa Rica vid det laget kommer jag definitivt att följa med nästa år också. 8D