onsdag 12 maj 2010

'nother batch of sketches!

The scanner is fixed! Which means I'll probably start updating my webcomic again soon. :)

And so, without any further ado:

Panda and Shun. Two character's from a comic I've been planning to do for years now. If all goes well, I'll be able to start drawing it soon!

I don't know what to say about this one. I think it speaks for itself.

The question is... Was it worth eating that apple?

Ahahaha... My friend was flipping through my sketchbook, took a look at this and said that she didn't like it. XD I gues it was a bit too creepy for her.

This one is also a character of mine. I used to draw her frolicking through fields of flowers years ago, haha. Her story is usually about finding dreams though and trying to help them.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Sluta vara så bra! Gillar bilden på henne med vingar! :D

  2. YAY! nu hemma från holland! gött att scannern mår bättre^^ jag kom in på löftadalen förresten! nu ska vi se om jag kommer in på grimslöv O.o men då måste jag välja... usch.. ses snart <3<3<

  3. Efraim: Du kan sluta vara så bra!

    sir Josefine: Yaaaay, du är hemma igen! Och grattisgrattis! Och grattis igen, du börjar bli gammal nu! <3
