söndag 16 januari 2011

Photos from a misty winterday

I haven't had the chance to draw anything at all the last few days. However, we had this fantastic weather for photography on thursday, so I just abandoned everything about job-hunting or anything else I had to do that day. ... Originally, I was just going to pick one photo, but it was so hard! So here's just a few of the ones I took:

This one was actually taken facing land. When I went all the way out, I couldn't see it at all. It was amazing!

These are my favourites at the moment, but who knows. I might upload more.
I walked a lot that day. It was definitely worth it!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Jättevackra bilder! Det är så man tänker sig att det ser ut i alla fantasyberättelser... Jag fattar att du inte kunde välja :-D

  2. Man tackar så mycket! =D <3
    Jo, nu när du säger det så... vissa av dem är lite fantasy-aktiga.
